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Thursday, August 16, 2018

About the Authors

      Charles K. Alexander is the professor of electrical and computer engineering in the Fenn College of {Executive|Anatomist|Design} at Cleveland State {University or college|College or university|School}, Cleveland, He is also the Director of The Center for Research in Electronics and Aerospace Technology (CREATE). From 2002 until 2006 having been Leader of the Fenn {University|College or university|School} of Engineering. From 2005 until 2007, having recently been Director of Ohio {SNOW|GLACIERS|ICE CUBES}, a research center in instrumentation, controls, electronics, and sensors ( {a parti|a cabale|a ligue} of CSU, Case, the University of Akron, and {several|quite a few|many} of Ohio industries). from 1998 until 2002, having been interim overseer (2000 and 2001) of the Institute for Corrosion and Multiphase Technologies and Stocker Visiting Professor of electrical Engineering and {Pc|Computer system|Laptop} science at Ohio {University or college|College or university|School}. From 1994-1996 he expert advisors as they are commonly referred to deam of engineering and computer science at {Washington dc|Cal|A bunch of states} State University, Northridge.

{Coming from|By|Via} 1989-1994 having been {performing|behaving|operating} dean of the {college or university|school} of engineering at {Forehead|Brow|Serenidad} University, and from 1986-1989 he was {a teacher|a mentor|a tutor} and chairman of the department of electrical {executive|anatomist|design} at Temple. From 1980-1986 he held the same positions at Tennessee {Technical|Scientific} University. He was an associate professor and a professor of electrical {executive|anatomist|design} at Youngstown State {University or college|College or university|School} from 1972-1980, Where this individual was named Distinguished {Teacher|Mentor|Tutor} in 1977 in {acknowledgement|reputation|identification} of "out-standing teaching and research. " Having recently been assistant professor of {electric|power|electric powered} engineering at Ohio {University or college|College or university|School} in 1971-1972. He received honorary Dr. Eng. {Coming from|By|Via} Ohio Northern University and the B. S. {Electronic|At the|Elizabeth}. E. (1965) from {Kansas|Kentkucky|Iowa} Northern University.