
Saturday, September 8, 2018


I. Introduction to Supporting Sentences

       The supporting sentences, which are the next parts of the paragraph, are used to support the topic sentence. They develop the topic sentence by giving specific details. In order to choose details to support the topic sentence, rephrase it as a question, and then answer that question with your supporting sentences.

For example, when you read about smoking, the topic sentence is: 
           Smoking is harmful for four reasons. 
If you turn that statement into a question, it will say: 
          What are the four harmful reasons of smoking?
The supporting sentences in the paragraph must answer this question by explaining what the four harmful reasons of smoking are. Look at the model paragraph on page 9 and complete this list.

1.Firstly, it is a very expensive habit.

   You can see that the supporting sentences list the four harmful reasons of smoking.Another question
 you can ask about your topic sentence is this one: How can I prove this? Your supporting sentences 
 should give some facts or examples that prove your topic sentence is true.
 For example, suppose you wrote this topic sentence: 
      Traditional American family relationships have changed greatly in the last thirty years. 
      You could then ask yourself: How can I prove that this is true? You could prove or support it by giving facts such as these: 
1.x out of x marriages end in divorce (in the United States).
2.x out x children live in homes with only one parent.
3.x percent of couples living together are not legally married.
Still another way to develop your topic sentence is to give examples. Suppose you wrote this topic sentence: 
  Valentine’s Day is a very expensive holiday. 
You could then ask yourself: How can I prove it? You could prove or support this topic sentence by giving examples of the cost of different activities during Valentine’s Day such as these:
1.People who are in love with each other exchange expensive gifts.
2.The gifts often cost a lot of money, sometimes as much as $100.
3.A romantic dinner at a nice restaurant may cost $100 or more per person. 

Look at the model paragraph below
An Expensive Holiday
      Valentine’s Day is a very expensive holiday. Typically, people who are in love with each other exchange gifts. The gifts often cost a lot of money, sometimes as much as $100. In some cases, if you don’t spend that much, your sweetheart might think you don’t care. “Some less expensive gifts that people often give are chocolate and flowers.” One pound of good chocolate may cost $10 to $15, and you add up all of the chocolate that is sold on Valentine’s Day, the total is probably well over $1 million. Flowers cost more than chocolate, so sales of flowers may amount to $5 million! Also, it is often expected that you and your sweetheart will go out to dinner on that evening. A romantic dinner at a nice restaurant may cost $100 or more than one person. It seems to me that Valentine’s Day is one of the most expensive days of the year. In short, in order to develop your topic sentence, you must write supporting sentences that prove, or support your ideas. An easy way to do this is to rephrase your topic sentence as a question or to ask yourself: How can I prove that? You should, moreover, know that the sentences that you select to support the topic sentence of your paragraph depend on the audience and the purpose of the paragraph.

As you write a paragraph, you should ask yourself:
1. Which technique would best support my topic sentence?
2. Which technique would best convince my audience that mytopic sentence is valid?
     One of the common ways to support a topic sentence is to use Facts or statistics

An Expensive Holiday 
      Valentine’s Day is a very expensive holiday. Typically, people who are in love with each other exchange gifts. The gifts often cost a lot of money, sometimes as much as $100. In some cases, if you don’t spend that much, your sweetheart might think you don’t care. “Some less expensive gifts that people often give are chocolate and flowers. One pound of good chocolate may cost $10 to $15, and you add up all of the chocolate that is sold on Valentine’s Day, the total is probably well over $1 million. Flowers cost more that chocolate, so sales of flowers may amount to $5 million! Also, it is often expected that you and your sweetheart will go out to dinner on that evening. A romantic dinner at a nice restaurant may cost $100 or more than one person. It seems to me that Valentine’s Day is one of the most expensive days of the year. A second way to support a topic sentence is with examples.
Valentine’s Day Overload
     Usually three or four weeks before Valentine’s Day, you begin to see too many reminders of this only-for-lovers holiday almost everywhere. For example, you see red hearts and cupids in every shop and restaurant. Shops what you to buy a gift for your Valentine, and restaurants hope that you will treat yourself and your Valentine to an expensive dinner. You also seem to see more pictures of people in love. They walk and-in-hand and gaze into each other’s eyes lovingly. Another example of Valentine’s Day reminders is seeing the commercials on TV, which tell you about all the wonderful presents and cards that you can buy for that “special someone.” In short, we are constantly reminded of Valentine’s Day for several weeks each year.
II. Major and Minor supporting sentences 
In terms of organization, especially of expository paragraphs, there are two types of supporting sentences: major supporting sentences and minor supporting sentences. The major supporting sentences are the main details that tell us about the topic sentence. The minor supporting sentences tell us more about the major supporting sentences.
        Look at the paragraph “Ways to Celebrate New Year’s Eve” below. 
Ways to Celebrate New Year’s Eve
     People in the United States celebrate New Year’s Eve in many ways. {The most common way may be going to a big party with lots of friends, music, and dancing(Major Supporting Sentences ). At the stroke of midnight, people at these parties grab their sweethearts and spend the first seconds of the New Year kissing them. Another way to spend New Year’s Eve is with the significant other in your life}. The New Year is greeted with a champagne toast to the relationship. Sometimes, families with children like to spend the evening together, letting the “kids” stay up until midnight. Finally, some people like to spend the evening by themselves. They use this time to evaluate the past year and to make resolutions and plans for the coming year. It is a time of reflection that can only happen when one is alone. In short, New Year’s Eve is a special time that can be spent with friends, with family, or even aloneLook at the paragraph “Ways to Celebrate New Year’s Eve” above. Below, it has been diagrammed to show the parts of a paragraph, including the major and minor supporting sentences. 
1.Topic Sentence (TS)
  People in the United States celebrate New Year’s Eve in many ways.
2. Supporting Sentences
   Major Supporting Sentences (SS)
  The most common way may be going to a big party with lots   of friends, music, and dancing.
Ÿ Minor Supporting Sentences (SS)
                At the stroke of midnight, people at these parties grab their sweethearts and spend the first seconds of the New Year kissing them.
      ØMajor Supporting Sentences (SS)
             Another way to spend New Year’s Eve is with the significant other in your life.
             Ÿ Minor Supporting Sentences (SS)
               The New Year is greeted with a champagne toast to the relationship.
ØMajor Supporting Sentences (SS)
            Sometimes, families with children like to spend the   evening together, letting the“kids” stay up until midnight.
ØMajor Supporting Sentences (SS)
  Finally, some people like to spend the evening by   themselves.
           Ÿ Minor Supporting Sentences (SS)
              They use this time to evaluate the past year and to make resolutions and plans for the coming year.
           Ÿ Minor Supporting Sentences (SS)
              It is a time of reflection that can only happen when one is alone.
3. Concluding Sentence (CS)
           In short, New Year’s Eve is a special time that can be spent with friends, with family, or even alone. 
           It is important to note that all major supporting sentences do not need have the same number of minor supporting sentences at all.


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