
Sunday, September 16, 2018

The Concluding Sentence

After you have finished the last sentence supporting the main point of a paragraph, you must end the paragraph with a concluding sentence. This sentence tells the reader that the paragraph is finished, and it completes the development of the subject of the paragraph.The concluding sentence is like the topic sentence because both are general statements. However, the topic sentence is usually the first sentence, a general statement that introduces the topic to be discussed in the paragraph. The concluding sentence is also a general statement, but it is the last sentence and ends the paragraph.  The concluding sentence of a paragraph is generally a restatement of the topic sentence. It may not be possible to restate the topic itself, but it is always possible to restate the controlling idea. A concluding sentence serves three purposes:
1.It signals the end of the paragraph.

2.It summarizes the main points of the paragraph.
3.It gives a final comment of the topic and leaves the reader with the most important ideas to think

When you write a concluding sentence, you can use one of the following methods.
1.Restate the topic sentence in different words. Do not just copy the topic sentence.
2.Summarize the main point in the supporting sentences of the paragraph.
3.Give your own opinion about the paragraph.
You may begin the concluding sentence with a phrase that tells the reader that the paragraph is
 These are followed by a comma.                                           These are not followed by a comma.
     Finally, ...                                                                                     We can see that ...
     In conclusion, ...                                                                           It is clear that ...
     In summary, ...                                                                              It is clear that ...
     In short, ...                                                                                    These examples show that ...
     In brief, ...                                                                                     These can be no doubt that ...
     Indeed, ...                                                                                      These can be no doubt that ...
     Thus, ...                                                                                         The evidence suggests that ...
     Therefore, ...                                                                                    
      As a result, ...
      For these reasons, ...

Look at this paragraph and pay particular attention to the topic sentence and its restatement in the concluding sentence.
Model paragraph 1
How to Carve a Pumpkin
      With Halloween just around the corner, it’s good to know how to carve a pumpkin. The first step is to gather your materials. You will need a large pumpkin, a sharp pen, a candle, and some newspaper. Spread the newspaper on a table and place the pumpkin on top of it. Using the knife, cut off the top of the pumpkin. Then use the spoon to take out the seeds from the inside the pumpkin. Next, with the marking pen, draw eyes, a nose, and a mouth on one side of the pumpkin in shapes that can be cut out. The next step is to carefully cut out the eyes, nose, and mouth with the knife. Put a lighted candle inside the pumpkin, and put the top back on the pumpkin. Finally, put it in a window after dark on Halloween night. Once you know how to carve a pumpkin, you can amuse your trick-or-treaters this year and every year

A second, less common, way to conclude a paragraph is to write a sentence that summarizes the main points in the body of the paragraph.
                                      Model paragraph 2
Celebrating the New Year
       The new year is celebrated throughout the world at many different times, based on the solar or lunar calendar. January 1 is recognized throughout the world as the beginning of the new year, but this date is the beginning of the Christian year based on the Gregorian solar calendar. The Jewish new year is called Rosh Hashanah and is celebrated in September or October even though the Hebrew calendar is lunar. the Chinese new year, called Tet in Vietnam,  follows a lunar calendar and comes on a day between January 10 and February 19 according to the solar calendar. Islam also uses a lunar calendar. Its new year celebration is in the spring, and the date varies depending on the year. In short, Christians use the solar calendar, whereas Jew, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Muslims use a lunar calendar to determine when to celebrate the new year. 

The last common way to conclude the paragraph is to give an opinion on the topic.
Model paragraph 3
       Smoking is harmful for four reasons. Firstly, Smoking is a very expensive habit. Frequently, the price of cigarettes rises. Secondly, it is bad for the respiratory system. Smokers get colds which last for a long time. As well, they get bronchitis and pneumonia more easily than non-smokers. Thirdly, everyone knows that there is a connection between lung-cancer and smoking. Finally, smoking gives you bad breath. Most smokers hate the smell of tobacco and they do not want to sit near someone who will puff smoke all over them. In my opinion, it is better not to start smoking.



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